<aside> 💡
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Coded by: Steph, Fern, & Annie
Release Date: April 2nd, 2024
Developed with: P5.party
Press Contact: [email protected]
Embark on a wild underground adventure. Navigate NYC's bustling subway tracks as rats passing bombs, risk it all for rewards like pizza, cheese, money, donuts, and more! Collect the most treasures for the ultimate subway supremacy. Note that the bomb goes off after 30 seconds, so pass the bomb forward to blow up your enemies! The game teaches that winning isn't everything, especially if you risk too much and end up "dead.” Ready, set, rat!
$$ home screen $$
$$ instructions $$
$$ waiting... $$
$$ in game $$
$$ ga me over $$
$$ theodore $$
Theodore is quiet but stealthy. He sneaks by with lots of points somehow always avoiding the bomb!
$$ minnie $$
Pinky is quick and doesn’t fear the bomb. She’s free to roam around the board to get what she wants!
$$ simon $$
Simon just loves cheese! So much so that he forgets about the bomb sometimes and it gets him into some trouble
Stefernnie, a creative studio based in New York City, was founded by Stephanie, Fern, and Annie— three Parsons students majoring in Data Visualization. United by their passion for transforming complex data into engaging visuals, they focus on making information both accessible and innovative. Their projects range from detailed infographics to interactive displays, uncovering hidden patterns and stories. They're also behind "We Own NYC," a game born from their love-hate relationship with the city and its rats.